Unio i Cancun

Lars Holmer-Hoven er Unios og Akademikernes representant i den utvidede norske delegasjonen under COP16 i Cancun.

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Felles klimakrav fra Unio, Akademikerne og YS fra 2009.

onsdag 8. desember 2010

Stoltenberg i Plenary

Stoltenberg er en av mange statsledere som har holdt innlegg i den store salen på Maya-bygningen i dag. Her er utdrag fra talen:

Securing progress here in Cancun is a responsibility that lies with all of us.
A consensus based process requires that all countries  - both developed and developing –  show responsibility and willingness to compromise.

The outcome from Cancun must be a balanced package of decisions.
It must respect the interests and perspectives of all parties.
It should cover all the key elements.  Including mitigation, MRV, adaptation, financing and deforestation.

Together with Prime Minister Meles I had the honour to chair the Secretary General’s Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing.
We were asked to study how the one hundred billion can be mobilised.
Our report concludes that it is challenging but feasible to reach this target.

The other key area I would like to address is deforestation.Deforestation in the developing world accounts for about 15 per cent of total global emissions. More than all the world’s ships, cars, trains and planes combined. Reducing deforestation and forest degradation can provide the largest, fastest and cheapest cuts in global emissions. It will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to limit global warming to 2 degrees without a significant reduction in deforestation.

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